Posts Tagged ‘psychopathy’
Friday, March 8th, 2013
One of the benefits of having a website about the “science of evil” is that, in the course of researching for articles, promoting the site and communicating with readers, I get to come in contact with some very interesting people. Some of them are others who are as fascinated by this subject matter as I am, recognize how important it is and do great work educating people about it.
One of the first such people I “met” after starting this website was Jack Pemment who runs the brilliantly titled Blame the Amygdala site. Jack is an eloquent writer and a graduate student at the University of Mississippi who passionately studies, among other things, the neurological basis for moral decision-making. This includes consideration of autism, psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder. He is also investigating the biology of aggression.
All of these subjects lie right at the heart of ponerology and are talked about often on this site.
I highly recommend you check out Jack’s site.
It only took me a short time reading his site to realize that Jack has a talent for thinking and writing about these crucial matters in novel ways. But that was really confirmed when I discovered that recently he released an actual novel about these matters. (more…)
Tags: aggression, antisocial personality disorder, autism, biology, blade runner, blame the amygdala, decision-making, do androids dream of electric sheep, jack pemment, morality, neuroscience, phillip k. dick, psychopathy, science fiction, seeing red, serial killer, synesthesia
Posted in Books, Personal Profiles | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013
Back when the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests were going on, I remember being frustrated because I felt the protests – like many activist movements – were missing the heart of the matter. While they focused on particular political and economic grievances, I felt it was crucial that they zero in on the potential pathological nature of some of the people involved in bringing about and aggressively maintaining undesirable conditions.
I was heartened to see one indication of a protestor that knew of and took seriously the possible role of psychopathy in bringing about the protestors’ grievances.

(Photo with permission of Gina Herold)
But, as heartened as I was, I was more dismayed that this was pretty much the only sign I saw of any awareness of ponerology among them.
Well it’s better late than never.
Recently, I came across this video. It is an interview with a very articulate OWS protestor who came to the protests specifically to educate people about ponerology. (more…)
Tags: activism, andrew m. lobaczewski, conspiracy theory, corporations, democratic party, economics, george w. bush, hervey cleckley, occupy wall street, paralogisms, paul babiak, political ponerology, politics, propaganda, protests, psychopathy, religion, republican party, robert hare, snakes in suits, the mask of sanity, vampires
Posted in Activism | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 5th, 2013
Each year, the American Academy of Forensic Psychology (AAFP) and the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS, Division 41 of the American Psychological Association) jointly present the Saleem Shah Early Career Development Award.
Saleem A.Shah, Ph.D. was a highly esteemed psychologist. In fact, he was so influential that some credit him with helping to establish the specialty of forensic psychology.
While working at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Shah directed, for nearly 20 years, an interdisciplinary research program focused on antisocial and violent behavior. The program was first called the Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency and later known as the Antisocial and Violent Behavior Branch.
He had a special interest in the relationship between mental health and the law and, in his role at NIMH, helped form the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law.
Known as a man of strong conscience with deep concern for patients and their rights, he spoke all over the world, urging people to make sure that psychology was used in society in a compassionate and ethical way.
Tragically, Shah died in a car accident in 1992.
The award bearing his name has been presented annually, since 1995, to a young professional who demonstrates “significant early career achievement in forensic psychology or related fields of law.” (more…)
Tags: american academy of forensic psychology, american psychological association, american psychology-law society, criminology, daniel craig, forensic psychology, james bond, legal system, martin sellbom, national institute of mental health, psychiatry, psychopathy, saleem a. shah
Posted in Online News, Research | No Comments »
Tuesday, March 5th, 2013
One of the most challenging and important questions in ponerology is whether conditions associated with reduced empathy and conscience, and thus with increased likelihood of harmful malicious and neglectful activity, are caused by nature (genes, biology, etc.) or nurture (environment, upbringing, etc.)
Most who work in the fields that study aspects of this question take the view that the answer involves some combination of the two.
But this still leaves us with another question. In what proportion do each of these factors contribute in which people?
One remarkable case offers some fascinating insight on the subject.
Dr. James Fallon
James Fallon, Ph.D. is a highly decorated neuroscientist and Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Neurobiology at University of California, Irvine. Dr. Fallon has several areas of expertise. One is adult stem cells. Another is psychiatry. Specifically, he is interested in the relationships between brain imaging (he has served as Director of UC Irvine’s Human Brain Imaging Center), genetics and various psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, depression and addictions.
An Extraordinary Experiment
Aware of his specialties, for many years, Fallon’s colleagues have sent him brain images they wished to have him analyze.
At one point this interchange took the form of an experiment.
Colleagues sent him 70 MRI scans of brains belonging to people ranging from healthy to mentally ill. Included in the batch were scans of brains belonging to killers, including some notorious ones. But Fallon had no idea which scanned brain belonged to whom.
Nonetheless, he was able to identify differences in five of the scans so dramatic that he could recognize them as the markers of psychopathy. And it turned out that he was correct. The five scans on which he zeroed in actually were those from the brains of psychopathic serial killers. (more…)
Tags: abuse, adrian raine, aggression, amygdala, anterior temporal cortex, biology, brain, brain imaging, child abuse, childhood, conflict, conscience, criminal minds, eeg, emotions, empathy, environment, ethics, free will, gender, genetics, horizon, impulsivity, james fallon, killed strangely, killers, legal system, libertarian, limbic system, lizzie borden, love, maoa, mating, mirror neurons, mri, neurobiology, neuroscience, nurturing, orbital cortex, pet scan, phenylketonuria, pku, psychiatry, psychopathy, rebecca cornell, risk taking, screening, serial killers, serotonin, sex-linked, superficial charm, ted, thomas cornell, transgenerational violence, trauma, university of california irvine, violence, warrior gene, x chromosome
Posted in Personal Profiles, Research, Television Shows | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, February 27th, 2013
One of the most useful perspectives from which to consider questions in ponerology is that of evolutionary psychology. This is the field that asks how and why certain psychological traits and characteristics came about and were selected for during our long evolutionary past. And a number of thinkers have commented on how psychopathy might be viewed through this lens.
I shared some of these evolutionary views of psychopathy in previous writings, discussing:
- What a profound evolutionary development the emergence of humans without conscience was
- Whether psychopathy is best understood as an aberration of normal human capacities akin to blindness or deafness or, rather, as a reflection of a different type of human being practicing a different, perhaps detestable to many, but also successful survival and reproductive strategy
- Why some experts view psychopaths as “intraspecies predators” or even a separate subspecies of Homo Sapiens
Recently, a debate has been raging about these very issues. (more…)
Tags: adaptation, aftermath, attachment, caregiving, conscience, dominance, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary strategy, frontiers in evolutionary psychology and neuroscience, genetics, liane j. leedom, linda hartoonian almas, natural selection, nepotism, pcl-r, prison, psychopathy, psychoticism, reproduction, spandrel, subspecies, surviving psychopathy foundation, violence
Posted in Research, Theory | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
Could the way you walk be a tip-off to a violent person that you are an easy target?
A new study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence reinforces the fact that, under certain conditions, this might be the case.
The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), the current gold standard test for psychopathy, assesses a person on a variety of elements that are classified into two main categories called “factors.” The first, Factor 1, consists of the person’s interpersonal or affective traits, basically measuring the extent to which they have an aggressive narcissistic personality. The second, Factor 2, consists of the person’s actual behavior and measures the extent to which they exhibit an antisocial or socially deviant lifestyle.
Previous research has shown that certain aspects of body language, including walking style, are characteristic of victims and that those scoring high on the Factor 1 measures of the PCL-R are more accurate than others in judging someone’s vulnerability simply from watching them walk.
Now, in “Psychopathy and Victim Selection: The Use of Gait as a Cue to Vulnerability,” researchers Angela Book, Kimberly Costello and Joseph A. Camilleri studied 47 inmates at a maximum security penitentiary in Ontario, Canada and found that not only, as expected, do the inmates scoring high on PCL-R Factor 1 more accurately than others judge people’s vulnerability by observing their gait, but they are also more likely to actually explicitly mention the victim’s gait in explaining why they perceived them as vulnerable. (more…)
Tags: angela book, body language, forensic psychology, gait, joseph a. camilleri, kimberly costello, pcl-r, pcl-r factor 1, prison, psychopathy, victims, violence, vulnerability
Posted in Research | No Comments »
Monday, February 25th, 2013
One of the most important aspects of ponerology – a crucial one in seeking answers regarding why people act (or fail to act) in ways that do harm to others – is investigation into what goes on in the brain when people relate with each other in various ways. We might term such investigation “social neuroscience.”
Well there is actually a research journal by that very name. And that journal, Social Neuroscience, has recently honed in on topics at the very heart of ponerology. Its latest issue – Volume 8, Issue 2 – is a special issue focusing on aggression and violence.
It features an editorial entitled “The social cognitive neuroscience of aggression, violence, and psychopathy” followed by six studies that consider the links between neurological markers and responses and harmful behavior.
Here is a summary of the six studies in this special issue. (more…)
Tags: aggression, amygdale, anger, attention, brain, brain scans, conduct disorder, cortisol, criminals, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, emotional processing, fmri, impulse control, juvenile offenders, neurology, neuroscience, prefrontal cortex, psychopathy, reinforcement processing, social neuroscience, startle reflexes, superior temporal sulcus, testosterone, thalamus, theta-burst magnetic stimulation, vasopressin, ventral striatum, violence
Posted in Research | No Comments »
Sunday, February 24th, 2013
A few months back, I came across an incredibly compelling article by Sandy Hingston in Philly Mag. The title above the article’s copy is “The Psychopath Test,” but the HTML title that shows in the browser tab is much more descriptive of the provocative jist of the article.
It reads “Kids Can Be Psychopathic, Too.”
The article focuses heavily on – and introduced me to – the work of Adrian Raine, a professor of criminology, psychiatry and psychology on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania’s Jerry Lee Center of Criminology.
Raine is the author of the textbook The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior as a Clinical Disorder. And, as described in the article, he holds two highly controversial and enormously challenging beliefs:
- He believes that we will soon be able to use medical tests to determine whether a child is predisposed to grow up to be a psychopath.
- And he also believes that, once we are able to do that, we should screen children for traits linked to psychopathy.
The Philly Mag article itself is well worth the read, as it offers a fascinating look at:
- A brief historical overview of criminology and the nature vs. nature debate
- Structural and functional differences in the brains of psychopaths as opposed to those of non-psychopaths
- How psychopaths are responsible for crime at levels vastly disproportionate to their numbers
- What separates successful from unsuccessful psychopaths
- Genes influencing brain structure that are associated with antisocial and aggressive behavior
- Raine’s research showing certain differences among young children, which he believes are innate and biologically-based, that help predict which ones will exhibit future aggression and criminality
- Why, when it comes to the “chicken or egg” question regarding biological differences and psychopathy, Raine falls on the “biology as cause” side of the debate
- Why many resist biological explanations of “bad” behavior
- Interventions that might help children predisposed to criminal behavior
- Responses from others to Raine’s suggestion that we screen children for psychopathy-linked traits
I highly recommend taking the time to check it out.
But I bring up that article here in order to preface a new and exciting development regarding Adrian Raine that has come to my attention.
One other phenomenon that Hingston’s piece touches on is the recent explosion of media – including films (such as We Need to Talk About Kevin) and television shows (such as Dexter) – dealing with the subject of psychopathy. The article credits Raine’s investigations into the brains of criminals – neurocriminology research – for providing the platform for this explosion. If attributing this credit to Raine is appropriate then it is only fitting that his work will now serve as the basis for a television show in an even more direct manner. (more…)
Tags: adrian raine, alex cary, alex gansa, biology, brain scans, cbs, children, criminology, david harewood, dexter, homeland, howard gordon, jerry lee center of criminology, mark pellington, neurocriminology, philly mag, psychopathy, sandy hingston, screening, television, the anatomy of violence, the psychopath test, the psychopathology of crime, we need to talk about kevin
Posted in Books, Television Shows | No Comments »
Saturday, February 23rd, 2013
Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are notoriously difficult to treat. This is so much the case that many therapists are loathe to even attempt the feat since their methods have such frustratingly poor success rates.
However, in the many years I’ve spent considering and researching BPD, I have come across two therapeutic approaches that seem to offer a glimmer of hope.
Well, now one professor is using the latter method, Schema Therapy, to treat some of the only clients considered even more complex and resistant than those with BPD – psychopaths. (more…)
Tags: borderline personality disorder, cluster b, crime, david p. Bernstein, dbt, dialectical behavioral therapy, expertise center for forensic psychiatry, forensic psychology, george lockwood, international society of schema therapy, personality disorders, psychopathy, psychotherapy, reparenting, robert hare, schema therapy, the netherlands, violence
Posted in Research | 2 Comments »
Saturday, February 23rd, 2013
One of the most powerful facts that I may have ever learned is that psychopaths differ biologically from other people. I remember the epiphany I experienced as soon as I internalized this fact, quickly realizing the profound implications it had for everything from psychotherapy to activism to day-to-day life.
When I wrote my detailed page about psychopathy, I made sure to include information about some of these biological differences. Many of them have to do with the ways in which psychopaths’ brain structure and function diverge from that of others.
Recently, a new study was published adding to this important and growing mass of findings. (more…)
Tags: biological markers, brain scans, caudate, mri, nucleus accumbens, pcl-r, psychopathy, putamen
Posted in Research | No Comments »