Posts Tagged ‘biology’
Thursday, January 16th, 2014
The other day, on January 10, 2014, I suddenly saw a huge increase in traffic to this site. Investigating, I found that it was coming from a surge of people searching for information relating to Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, and a “psychopath test.”
So I looked into it.
It turned out that, on that day, Cooper had done a segment with James Fallon, the neuroscientist who, in the process of studying the genetics and brains of psychopathic killers, discovered that he himself, despite being a successful non-violent researcher, had many of the genetic and brain markers associated with psychopathy.
I wrote a very detailed post about Fallon and his fascinating story last year called “Neuroscientist James Fallon’s Work & Life Shed Light on How Psychopathic Killers are Made…and Perhaps Prevented.” So I won’t cover that in any more detail here.
But Fallon has recently released a book about his story called The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist’s Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain. And, in the wake of the book’s release, he has been showing up more frequently in the media, sharing his insights about psychopathy, its impact in the world, and what his story tells us about the possibility of reducing the number of psychopaths that develop, which is wonderful.
The interview with Anderson Cooper is below and, even though this clip is only five minutes long, it could be five of the most important minutes I’ve ever seen on television.
Tags: ac360, adrian raine, anderson cooper, andrew m. lobaczewski, ariel castro, barbara oakley, bill clinton, biology, brain scans, channel 4, empathy, evil genes, franklin delano roosevelt, genetics, gerald ford, james fallon, jimmy carter, john f. kennedy, journalism, kevin dutton, nature vs. nurture, neuroscience, orbital cortex, parenting, politics, presidents, psychopath night, psychopath test, psychopathy, the psychopath inside, the wisdom of psychopaths, theodore roosevelt
Posted in Personal Profiles, Television Shows | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, November 26th, 2013
The other day, I was discussing with someone the recent story about George Zimmerman’s girlfriend accusing him of pointing a gun at her. We both agreed that the interesting part of the story wasn’t so much that Zimmerman was in trouble, but that Zimmerman – a man who has quite a lot of very recent baggage, not much seemingly going for him, and, having only been served with divorce papers days ago, is married – even has a girlfriend. We both wondered why a woman would want to be his girlfriend at the moment in the first place.
Apparently, Saturday Night Live did too, as they led off this weekend’s episode with a sketch in which this very question is asked.
Now, I am not claiming that George Zimmerman is a psychopath or has any other specific conscience-reducing disorder. I really have no ability to make a judgment on that. However, the conversation about his romantic situation did lead me to explain to my conversation partner that those that are psychopaths or do have certain related disorders are notorious for their ability to attract many romantic and sexual relationships. I mentioned some of the fascinating research, which I cover in my foundational page about psychopathy, about just how successful some of history’s most ruthless killers have been in spreading their genes.
Well, as so often happens after a deep discussion about an intriguing topic, it wasn’t more than a couple of days before a new, highly relevant story emerged in the news. (more…)
Tags: abuse, antisocial personality disorder, attraction, biology, borderline personality disorder, charles manson, cnn, discovery news, evolution, genetics, george zimmerman, hybristophilia, love, neglect, parenting, psychopathy, robert hanlon, rolling stone, romance, saturday night live, sex, survived by one, sustainability, ted bundy, tom odle, yahoo
Posted in Books, Humor, Magazines, Online News, Television News, Television Shows, Theory, Websites | 2 Comments »
Saturday, October 26th, 2013
I’ve been a big fan of the band Pearl Jam for many years. And they just released a new album (which, incidentally, is the #1 album in the US as of this writing) so I’ve been listening to it a lot over the last few days. In particular, the album includes what I think is one of their best songs ever, “Sirens”. The song is about mortality and how fragile life and love are in the face of it.
So I’ve been grateful to them for connecting me to those issues and feelings through the song. But then, last night, they connected me to them in another way that is extremely relevant to ponerology.
Pearl Jam performed on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” last night. Well, technically, their taped performance from an earlier time was played. In fact, they played a live show in Hartford, Connecticut last night. So after watching the airing of their performance on Fallon’s show, I was just looking around on Twitter to see what people were saying about it.
Instead, I ran into this tweet from the band regarding the show in Hartford:
I was instantly hit with a mix of heartbreak for the obvious tragedy the tweet alluded to and curiosity about what the “Avie Foundation” was all about.
So I clicked through to their Twitter account. (more…)
Tags: adrian raine, avielle richman, biology, brain health, james blair, jennifer hensel, jeremy richman, pearl jam, sandy hook, school shootings, the avielle foundation, violence
Posted in Activism, Crime, Music, Research | No Comments »
Friday, March 8th, 2013
One of the benefits of having a website about the “science of evil” is that, in the course of researching for articles, promoting the site and communicating with readers, I get to come in contact with some very interesting people. Some of them are others who are as fascinated by this subject matter as I am, recognize how important it is and do great work educating people about it.
One of the first such people I “met” after starting this website was Jack Pemment who runs the brilliantly titled Blame the Amygdala site. Jack is an eloquent writer and a graduate student at the University of Mississippi who passionately studies, among other things, the neurological basis for moral decision-making. This includes consideration of autism, psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder. He is also investigating the biology of aggression.
All of these subjects lie right at the heart of ponerology and are talked about often on this site.
I highly recommend you check out Jack’s site.
It only took me a short time reading his site to realize that Jack has a talent for thinking and writing about these crucial matters in novel ways. But that was really confirmed when I discovered that recently he released an actual novel about these matters. (more…)
Tags: aggression, antisocial personality disorder, autism, biology, blade runner, blame the amygdala, decision-making, do androids dream of electric sheep, jack pemment, morality, neuroscience, phillip k. dick, psychopathy, science fiction, seeing red, serial killer, synesthesia
Posted in Books, Personal Profiles | 3 Comments »
Tuesday, March 5th, 2013
One of the most challenging and important questions in ponerology is whether conditions associated with reduced empathy and conscience, and thus with increased likelihood of harmful malicious and neglectful activity, are caused by nature (genes, biology, etc.) or nurture (environment, upbringing, etc.)
Most who work in the fields that study aspects of this question take the view that the answer involves some combination of the two.
But this still leaves us with another question. In what proportion do each of these factors contribute in which people?
One remarkable case offers some fascinating insight on the subject.
Dr. James Fallon
James Fallon, Ph.D. is a highly decorated neuroscientist and Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Neurobiology at University of California, Irvine. Dr. Fallon has several areas of expertise. One is adult stem cells. Another is psychiatry. Specifically, he is interested in the relationships between brain imaging (he has served as Director of UC Irvine’s Human Brain Imaging Center), genetics and various psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, depression and addictions.
An Extraordinary Experiment
Aware of his specialties, for many years, Fallon’s colleagues have sent him brain images they wished to have him analyze.
At one point this interchange took the form of an experiment.
Colleagues sent him 70 MRI scans of brains belonging to people ranging from healthy to mentally ill. Included in the batch were scans of brains belonging to killers, including some notorious ones. But Fallon had no idea which scanned brain belonged to whom.
Nonetheless, he was able to identify differences in five of the scans so dramatic that he could recognize them as the markers of psychopathy. And it turned out that he was correct. The five scans on which he zeroed in actually were those from the brains of psychopathic serial killers. (more…)
Tags: abuse, adrian raine, aggression, amygdala, anterior temporal cortex, biology, brain, brain imaging, child abuse, childhood, conflict, conscience, criminal minds, eeg, emotions, empathy, environment, ethics, free will, gender, genetics, horizon, impulsivity, james fallon, killed strangely, killers, legal system, libertarian, limbic system, lizzie borden, love, maoa, mating, mirror neurons, mri, neurobiology, neuroscience, nurturing, orbital cortex, pet scan, phenylketonuria, pku, psychiatry, psychopathy, rebecca cornell, risk taking, screening, serial killers, serotonin, sex-linked, superficial charm, ted, thomas cornell, transgenerational violence, trauma, university of california irvine, violence, warrior gene, x chromosome
Posted in Personal Profiles, Research, Television Shows | 1 Comment »
Sunday, February 24th, 2013
A few months back, I came across an incredibly compelling article by Sandy Hingston in Philly Mag. The title above the article’s copy is “The Psychopath Test,” but the HTML title that shows in the browser tab is much more descriptive of the provocative jist of the article.
It reads “Kids Can Be Psychopathic, Too.”
The article focuses heavily on – and introduced me to – the work of Adrian Raine, a professor of criminology, psychiatry and psychology on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania’s Jerry Lee Center of Criminology.
Raine is the author of the textbook The Psychopathology of Crime: Criminal Behavior as a Clinical Disorder. And, as described in the article, he holds two highly controversial and enormously challenging beliefs:
- He believes that we will soon be able to use medical tests to determine whether a child is predisposed to grow up to be a psychopath.
- And he also believes that, once we are able to do that, we should screen children for traits linked to psychopathy.
The Philly Mag article itself is well worth the read, as it offers a fascinating look at:
- A brief historical overview of criminology and the nature vs. nature debate
- Structural and functional differences in the brains of psychopaths as opposed to those of non-psychopaths
- How psychopaths are responsible for crime at levels vastly disproportionate to their numbers
- What separates successful from unsuccessful psychopaths
- Genes influencing brain structure that are associated with antisocial and aggressive behavior
- Raine’s research showing certain differences among young children, which he believes are innate and biologically-based, that help predict which ones will exhibit future aggression and criminality
- Why, when it comes to the “chicken or egg” question regarding biological differences and psychopathy, Raine falls on the “biology as cause” side of the debate
- Why many resist biological explanations of “bad” behavior
- Interventions that might help children predisposed to criminal behavior
- Responses from others to Raine’s suggestion that we screen children for psychopathy-linked traits
I highly recommend taking the time to check it out.
But I bring up that article here in order to preface a new and exciting development regarding Adrian Raine that has come to my attention.
One other phenomenon that Hingston’s piece touches on is the recent explosion of media – including films (such as We Need to Talk About Kevin) and television shows (such as Dexter) – dealing with the subject of psychopathy. The article credits Raine’s investigations into the brains of criminals – neurocriminology research – for providing the platform for this explosion. If attributing this credit to Raine is appropriate then it is only fitting that his work will now serve as the basis for a television show in an even more direct manner. (more…)
Tags: adrian raine, alex cary, alex gansa, biology, brain scans, cbs, children, criminology, david harewood, dexter, homeland, howard gordon, jerry lee center of criminology, mark pellington, neurocriminology, philly mag, psychopathy, sandy hingston, screening, television, the anatomy of violence, the psychopath test, the psychopathology of crime, we need to talk about kevin
Posted in Books, Television Shows | No Comments »